beauty · horror

Finger tattoo experience and why not to be scared

Hey ghouls, so today after i showed yall how i do my makeup i went out and got another tattoo added to my horror sleeve(i got chuckie added btw)

I havent got a picure of it finished yet as i havent had a chance but here is the process!

Anyways while i was getting this done i was feeling rather spontanious and decided today was the day i made a bad(but good) life decision and get my finger tattooed! Of course i was terrified as i thought the pain would be unbearable, however i was completely wrong!

The crystal ball took litterally 5minutes and the pain was so easy to deal with it was unreal. If i had to rate it out of 10, i’d give it a 4 as it was more uncomfortable than painful.

So if any of you rebelious ghouls have been thinking about getting your fingers tattooed but been to nervous about doing so, i say go for it! Of course im not gonna sugar coat it and say it felt amazing because of course its gonna hurt a little bit, but seriously the pain was alot milder than expected and the payout is awesome!

2016-04-22 21.10.08

Thanks for the read guys! Tomorrow im thinking of posting my tattoo cleaning routine and how to save your tattoo from losing bits once scabby! Give me a like, follow or comment if tis helped you and i will see you guys tomorrow!

Thanks! Danii☆

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